It has come to my attention, through the practising and applications of Creationary Forces,
that once someone has 'discovered' that their music or their 'gift' is indeed, creationary, that everything they do in this
field makes a mark. That much has been brought home to me very clearly. Even if it is 'invisible' ie the conditions are such
that the 'mark' or manifestation cannot be detected, it is still there. And, it has come to my attention that 'focus' is everything....
In August of 2005, the Kumaras told me that we had signatured every new ring I had worn
for the summer (we signatured four different rings the summer before) but for the star ring that Betheny had sent me. This
signatured something else...something very special and something I am not going to go into here but to mention that Creationary
Forces may very well be able to signature or co-create other 'things' than just crop circles. So that means, we signatured
six different rings this summer. Now, I knew I had signatured at least five of those, that much was very clear with exact
signatured matches or, matches close enough to tell but the dolphin ring I wasnt so sure and did not see it appear all summer
However, back on May 1, back in the beginning of the summer season before I even began documenting,
we did have some interesting things occur. There appeared a 'flower' on a crop circle that I have yet to be able to really
identify when in the season (must have been April) that it appeared. This crop circle had dolphins in it; and the 'flower'
design overlaid the dolphin crop circle during a time when I had consciously connected with a very dear friend of mine that
I had wanted to signature for, but didnt think I had and later, would go on to signature for him during September after we
had moved the physical phenomena out of Wiltshire (documented stopped Wiltshire Aug 21 and went into Canada) that manifested
in Saskatchewan, on the 52nd latitude.
I was already into practise in April for the summer performance season; and it was this
that showed me that even 'practise' for me, musically, was resulting in manifestations as well and this has proven to be consistent
through out the summer. So I will begin with those.....and then into what occurred on May 22nd, (our first 'official' concert
date) and then on May 28th and through the summer. What you will find unfolding, is a record of exact and some not so exact,
signatured matches. You will find what results in non-shows as well. Some aspects we were able to identify as ours; such as
the spatter of random little circles around and inside some of the crop circles this summer signaturing the sacred objects
that surround the area where I set up Light Activationals when I am activating creationary forces at home. This 'aspect' signatured
a number of times this summer, and is very new to the crop circle formations. But, this summer is the first summer I set up
to experiment WITH Light Activationals at home for purposes of observing how the phenomena manifests and helping to define
some of the perimeters which it certainly has. Most we have identified with exact application dates, but some we have not.
There is obviously a fair amount of fluidity to this 'art' of manifesting through the human consciousness, this spiritual
physical phenomena commonly known as crop circles. However, one will see, by perusing those we HAVE been able to identify
with exact signatured matches AND dates, and by understanding the nature of reality surrounding exactly how this all works,
that what we have here is not only very genuine, but hopefully, the beginning of something greater for us all.
It is our sing 'PEACE' into the planetary logos within the next few years. All
it will take, IMO, and from what I understand presently, is enough of us in agreement that this be done. Even if I were the
only one capable of this type of physical phenomena, BY PROXY it can be done. I do want everyone to know, I dont think I am
the only one doing this...though I DO think, that others capable of this sort of physical phenomena may not be aware of what
they are doing just like I wasnt for years. Yet, the proof is there...
Now, to understand why we speak about 'signatures' one must understand the nature of applying
of creationary forces and how this relates to the manifestations that appear. What we have, in crop circle formations, is
the SIGNATURE of the creationary force applied. Gerald Hawkins was most correct in assuming that MUSIC or SOUND played a very
important part in crop circle formations. Unfortunately, Gerald has since passed away. However, his research, along with that
being done by BLT Research has given us some of the most indepth and genuine knowledge regarding the components and the scientific
aspects of crop circles.
In the application of Creationary Forces, 'signatures' are left behind as the identifying
aspect of all that was included in the type of Creationary Force applied. This signature, what we 'see' as a crop circle created
in the crops (and most likely ice circles and other forms as well), contains elements of that which was utilized to form and
aggregate the creationary force to 'etch' a crop circle in the first place.
It is the 'proof' that Creationary Forces WERE applied to manifest the crop circle and can
also apply to any other 'manifestative' aspect if one could understand that the application of Creationary Forces goes
well beyond just crop circles.
If I am the applicator, then what will appear within a crop circle as signatures will be
that which I am or that which I use to create the type of energy force that is needed to manifest a crop circle in the first
place. it will come from my own human consciousness, from my own experiences, from that which is around me that I might focus
upon either a little or alot, as well as that which is channeled through the mineral kingdom ie the rings on my fingers or
the Light Activationals in which I use crystals and glass and other minerals or components or forms that I set up for symbols
and documentation; or some other aspect that clearly shows what 'type' or 'form' the creationary force contains before it
etches the crop circle. It will contain aspects of my own human consciousness. When I am out and about say, in concert, then
I almost invariably signature a ring I am wearing as the element from the mineral kingdom that easily condenses and multiplies
Creationary Forces. If anyone has noted, many crop circles through out the years, and especially the past four or five years,
have contained such signatures as 'mic's' and even, keys such as E and F. They are quite clear in this respect and there is
a distinct reason for this. And, I encourage all of you to look at the four crop circle manifestations we documented the summer
of 2004 including the Group Effort in which four more signatures were added to the number of beads in the ring, while keeping
amazing parts of the nature of the structure of beading of that ring in exact signatured form. Also noted were that of those
four, three were female, and one male. This also signatured as three circles, and one rectangular form added into the 'ring'
with a central circle that has two spiraling 'arms' indicating 'from and to' when carrying other soul signatures into a crop
circle by Proxy.
But to get to actual manifestations, one must first use a building block of creation. In
this case, a tetrahedron is used; and a 'sphere' is in the middle of that tetrahedron. This particular building block contains
the component of 'soul' in its creationary aspects because of this unique feature of a tetrahedron. Creationary Forces that
'etch' crop circles are first 'gathered'. The trick is to get the Tetrahedron (building block) to spin quickly...even jump
octaves if you can; and the faster it spins, the better it will signature. This is done by engaging the human consciousness
in a form of raising vibrational frequencies within the tetrahedron surrounding the sphere. I have been able to clearly identify
three aspects that will exponentially help in this process:
1) Music...including length of application and involvement of SOUL as well as including
VOICE; the most powerful vibrational creationary force in the whole of the Universe especially coupled Music with WORD or
2) Use of Light Activationals...proper use of mineral kingdom in condensing and multipying energies before they are sent forth. Specific lay outs of Sacred Objects in symbol form can result
in exact signatured matches of those symbols. See 'Light Activationals' and how to 'activate' Light utilizing Sacred Objects
3) MORE THAN ONE participating in agreement. They dont even have to understand the process; they just have be in agreement (see June 18 Meditation for a truly incredible example)
and the physical phenomenist, having permission, can then carry the soul signatures and added energies into the aggregating
of the Creationary Forces in co-creating realities and/or physical phenomena.
These components, along with the obvious joining with those in Higher Planes, comprise the
elements that will exponentially lead to more condensed and highly charged, aggregated Creationary Force; and therefore, to
a stronger, clearer and more exact signature. Joining with those in Higher Planes is a matter of 'REJOICE' if one but has
ears to hear...
There are certain principles one can use to condense and multiply energies and this is one
of them. Light Activationals utilize Sacred Objects. Sacred Objects are those objects that have been properly cleansed and
purified via Spiritual Fires and then programmed via LIGHT for either specific tasks or, to hold specific information/knowledge
and/or LIGHT to be activated into a soul's aura or to activate specific spiritual healing Light into one's aura,
or to help in spiritual development; or utilized by activating the imbued Light within for creationary purposes. There
are some objects that are better suited for these purposes than others. If you can see, (and I have seen this many times)
a thoughtform will soak right into a crystal. Crystal is one of the better objects for imbuing Light or storing Light and/or
Informationals or Activational properties. All materials soak in a vibrational frequency marker of that which it is exposed
to; but some are much more inclined. Crystal and crystal matrixes are some of the best; along with metals. Glass is very good,
plastic less so and paper, even less.
Light Activationals basically utilize properly programmed crystals or other objects; usually
set up in a pattern or symbol. This allows symbologies to help add its qualities in the condensing and multiplying of energies.
Straight lines are particularly powerful, directing the condensed energies into one very compact 'stream' when it goes forth.
Spheres are considered some of the most powerful of Sacred Objects, as Light imbued within spheres eminates in all directions.
Specific colors have attributes that follow the use of the specific color ie green for physical, yellow for mental, aqua for
emotional etc. (See the Discourse on Spiritual Fires).
The use of Symbols built out of Sacred Objects can help utilize energy in specific forms;
each different symbol or form carrying the attributes of their respective symbologies thereby adding to the condensing
in specific forms. The use of more than one Sacred Object does indeed, allow for even more condensing and multiplying
of energies, pulling upon all Light imbued within all the Sacred Objects and unifying them into a much more powerfully eminating
or directing of energies as they are sent forth onto their intended destination, whether it be for spiritual healing
or another purpose such as how we have utilized Sacred Objects especially this summer to signature crop circles. If you are
interested in learning more about this field, please see the Discourse on Properly Programming Crystals.
This summer I experimented quite a bit with Sacred Objects and signaturing; and prepared
a number of Sacred Objects for the specific purpose of activating Light into another's aura and/or manifesting into the physical
plane. The results were quite mixed at times, depending upon the Sacred Objects utilized. Some were highly imbued with
Light energies and thoughtforms and have been highly programmed for years and easily signatured. Some werent so highly imbued
with condensed Light altho the use of such in signaturing certainly helps to add to their particular purpose and by doing
so imbues a very specific physically manifesting component to these particular Sacred Objects. Sacred Objects come in a variety
of forms with a variety of Light and aspects of Light involved; anything from programming for signaturing, to containing whole
libraries of knowledge to the ability to 'activate' Light into a soul's aura thereby raising their vibrational frequency depending
upon the type and color of LIGHT imbued within them. Those found here in The Kumara Center are highly imbued with Light; and
all of them at this time by the Star Visitors themselves as well as myself in the signaturing of the physical phenomena
known as Crop Circles.
Once you have created the spinning tetrahedron, you must then apply this in a creationary
manner. In etching crop circles upon the planetary surface, one must first be able to identify and travel inner planes of
the earth and choose the appropriate area ie one that is within one's reach. As I dont know all the components of this aspect
just yet, I will share what I can. Here in Alaska, we are next to a Mayan Grid Point; just outside of Seward Alaska and closer
to Hope, which we signatured an amazing Grid when we performed there. But when this 'education' first began in trying to get
me to understand what 'music' was doing thru my own human consciousness back in 2002 with a primary focus upon GOD, I was
taken into this Mayan Grid Point and veils were removed. That very day, April 10, 2002, a crop circle appeared (and I did
use music) in the exact form of the Soul Glyph (Copyright 2002) I was clearly shown that day in my own soul color. THAT blew
me away...and I will somewhere along the line, show the documentation that occurred alongside this event.
I dont know at this point how much being next to this Grid Point really matters. We DO know
that we are engaging consistent physics laws and this is quite evident in the latitudes. One Kumara member, Krissy, figured
out that there was a definite connection between the latitudes summer before last; and that we were manifesting consistently,
some ten degrees apart. In other words, in Alaska, Im here at the 61 latitude, and we would manifest somewhere along the 51
latitude, an approximate ten degree difference but, a consistent approximate ten degree difference. Even later in the summer,
we manifested in Alberta Canada, still located on the 51 latitude, and still exact signaturing a ring. Silver works very well
for condensing and signatures very clearly.
This summer, I was looking at the pyramids I use in my Light Activationals often for 'structure'
and I noticed that I usually align them by feel...and that they werent aligned by true north/south, but by magnetic north,
and it sure seemed like it was ten degrees or so to me. This led to doing some research, and here the average difference between
magnetic north and true north, is 9 to 11 degrees! And, we have consistently hit that latitude, within the 9 to 11 degrees,
no matter if we hit England or Canada; and as spin offs, if the tetrahedron wasnt set down exactly straight, within Id say,
8 to 12 degrees difference across Germany and Poland but, we will get into that a bit later. Now, why we can hit England and
Canada, along the same latitudes, and if we can hit other areas along these same latitudes, I do not know at this time and
this aspect still needs further investigation.
But back to applications...after following some sort of consistent physics laws, we do manifest
consistently geographically according to the inner planes I am able to 'travel' via the human consciousness otherwise. I have
seen myself and experienced myself doing this yet it is quite difficult to bring back all aspects of this process in some
sort of explanatory way in which we can all understand the nature of human consciousness in action in such an altered state
of consciousness. The process from beginning to completed manifestation of signatured crop circle takes anywhere from four
to twelve hours to complete. There is definitely a 'process' in manifesting. First we build the spinning tetrahedron, then
we ask for permission (marriage to Creative Order or, the God aspect of "King" archetypally) and then we travel within the
human consciousness to that point that intersects our physical reality, (which is why orange orbs have been reported ie psychic-kinetic
energy) and then we set the spinning tetrahedron down squarely upon the surface of the planetary logos. If it is done properly,
one hears a 'zitzitzitzitzitzit' as the spinning tetrahedron etches the signatures contained in the creationary forces that
have been gathered that result in a design as the spin is set against the solid non-spinning earth. Others on the outside,
often report a 'whirring' or a tone of some sort, and have reported crop circles forming in say, 10-15 seconds, and I find
that credible when compared to this end of being highly involved in the creationary process itself. As the spinning tetrahedron
etches, it loses momentum. It only takes seconds to etch and MOST crop circles are three dimensional in all reality, if one
could but see this, with the center being the 'top' of the 3D form. Also, the spinning tetrahedron is a very integral component
to the 'circle' form most crop circles take. Altho it is possible to signature other than round, most of the crop circles
certainly do take on a circle form. There is often a circle in the middle of crop circles; this too is a distinct signature,
that of SOUL engaged in this artform.
If the spinning tetrahedron isnt set squarely upon the planetary surface, it will do a phenomenon
I call 'skipping rocks' rather like one does with a stone across a lake; and one sees smaller less signatured crop circles
appear within a day or so farther somewhat of a curve as they hit ground. If the primary etching is in England, this
results in secondaries across Germany and Poland of very simple signatures as the bulk of the signature is left in the primary
manifested crop circle during the first etching. This has been a consistent component we have witnessed this summer as well.
I dont know how far this goes either...and at this point, have no known perimeters of this phenomena but to note that it does
occur. Where we can possibly document the possibility this has occurred, we can and will.
There are some aspects we just havent figured out yet. I know by what Ive been shown by
my Star Visitor (Master Teacher) that we can 'co-create' crop circles via creationary forces not only by intersecting the
human consciousness in the physical plane, but also manifesting the same from higher planes or higher timelines by allowing
it to filter down into the physical plane; so we are seeing different aspects of manifestations as well. I also know that
'time' has a lateral component to it; and that these two aspects can throw actual linear documentation right out the darned
door (smiles). I have witnessed several crop circles that just didnt seem to manifest during a documented application that
I KNOW are ours because of the VERY specific signature. I know that there are principles at work here...such as what is bound
in the Heavens is bound upon the Earth, and vice versa and latitudes, etc; and this too, has appeared during the summer consistently.
In all reality, it SHOULD work out to at least two manifestations per application and the numbers certainly support that,
but I have found this aspect difficult to impossible to document. Also, when I have split say, the continuity of music in
two parts or utilized say, affirmations and then music, often that will signature two crop circles instead of one. BUT we
can also 'join' those two together and create ONE crop circle as well. Very fluidic works we are seeing here. And, what I
can point these types of events out as something rather intangible at this point but, remarkable in their appearance
for further investigation.
We have also proven that we can carry soul signatures of others into the application of
creationary forces. This makes our second summer doing exactly that and both times have been amazingly signatured with the
added signatures of every participant in agreement. This, and those applications this summer that I had even one more participant
with me in agreement, signatured in eeringly exactness!
I also need to address things I do and do not know of this field, being fairly new to the
awareness of what my music itself can and does do. For one, I have been clearly told that if I had known about this before
now, and had been public with it, I would not be alive today. That is the way it goes with physical phenomenists; of which
I am a very well documented physical phenomenist with records in The Aquarian Foundation (while Keith was still alive) and,
with a number of private parties. This I believe, is a matter of genetics as well as focus. So I am not going to say that
all souls are gifted in this way. I WILL state...that all souls ARE gifted...and that their gifts can be, if collectively
applied, every bit as tangible, amazing, and worthy in their manifestation. Also, there are going to be those that just dont
want to accept that humans themselves could very well be capable of such phenomena! And, there will be others too..that in
seeing the actual documentation throw their theories out the window, will be slow if not completely reticent to coming to
terms that we may very well have this 'puzzle' figured out.
Also worth noting, are the many books out there and the many opinions of souls that have
tried to address this phenomena. Some are quite right on; some arent at all. Some that are very famous have even written books
on it that contain details that they say 'mark' a genuine crop circle as opposed to those not genuine, and I have found out
from some very well known notables that they are wrong. And, there are even supposed 'predictions' out there that say this
summer's crop circles are all frauds, and next summer will return to authentics. That too, is in error and is not to be believed.
For what you will see, through the pages you are about to view, is absolute evidence of manifestation of crop circle designs
that have occurred THROUGH the human consciousness; and that have followed my own life's career in music known by me or not.
So one must keep an open mind regarding this phenomena; and keep in mind that all physical phenomena occurs THRU the human
consciousness (with few exceptions) as well as keeping in mind there are those out there that dont really have truth in their
hearts and souls as much as they have money as their actual focus and therefore, prejudicial little embellishments and cited
'truths' from certain observations they label as 100% of the time come easy when in all reality, they are not set in stone
and, can very easily be wrong. This field unfortunately, is as fraught with such attitudes as any other even tho in nature,
it is as spiritual AND evidential as it gets.
There ARE frauds and hoaxers out there, that Ive no doubt. But there are also those out
there that would claim authorship of crop circles that certainly arent. There are those that would claim some are frauds when
in fact, they are quite genuine. There is a tendency to think that the less formed crop circles must be frauds and the more
complex ones must be genuine when often the opposite is true; the less formed ones are just less applied music length and
a poorly formed spinning tetrahedron; and in some cases, people have been caught manufacturing some of the more complex crop
circles by hand, such as the magnificent one last summer that was quite Mayan looking. There are also circles that companies
pay money for others to make for advertising. I would rather those, than the hoaxers that try to take credit for what is not
theirs, or hoax just to muddy the field and just have no integrity, or authors that claim this or that and do not hold integrity
and/or authentic scientific testing as their grounds for asserting certain claims, such as magnetics have to be a part of
a crop circle or its not authentic. There is NO scientific basis for this assertion, along with a number of other assertions
some authors have made. Please keep this in mind.
Here we have a very real spiritual physical phenomena, that MANY, if they only knew how
very gifted they were, could do exactly what I myself can prove we are capable of producing here. If I were to say a number
of souls that I feel might be capable of producing the same sort of physical phenomena, I would say some 6000 or so upon the
planet in physical incarnation at this time. But, who are they, and, why arent they?? OR are they?? Some may very well be.
There are also those that have asked for a crop circle to manifest and, it has. What are the interactive components of such
an experience? Did they manifest this thru their own human consciousness, or did the 'call' go out and together, we co-created
that which appeared which would indicate, imo, a master plan here? OR, did perhaps one of the Masters do this for us? If I
were to guess one of those, I would opt for thru the human consciousness...via higher planes and filtering down into the physical
as being physically incarnated, WE are the 'anchors' to the physical plane itself. Just common sense yet, I really dont know
at this point.
AND there are also crop circles out there that Ive no idea where they came from, if they
are 'mine' or if they are someone else's. I certainly dont claim ownership to them all. I certainly do know I am responsible
for a great many however. So there is alot in this field that people say and do and have done out of a real lack of understanding
this particular spiritual physical phenomena; and I will not cite fault for just trying to understand. I dont even understand
it all myself, and I am very confident in my ability to signature crop circles and have done many this summer alone very well
documented and have watched the Masters reveal things about myself that at times, even I could not accept of myself...can
you just imagine if we all were to awaken to our full potential or at least, to a collective potential? The implications of
this are just tremendous for the empowerment of the human soul in Co-Creating! Especially when it is so highly evidential
that 'more than one in agreement' adds SUCH an exponential factor to the ability to signature complex, and, several; and the
possibility of 'co-creating' going so far as to even create, New Realities for us all.
There are also souls out there that would like to 'own' the phenomena; but that just cant
be done. If they did not create it, they certainly cannot own it; and if the phenomena is truly a sign of the impending leap
in quantum consciousness, then not even the 'authors' or 'co-creators' will care if they are 'owned' but moreso, they will
care that it awakens within each and everyone of you, your own latent ability by empowering your own human consciousness in
whatever way you have been blessed with Gifts by God; for there is no point to spiritual physical phenomena unless it does
go on to either uplift the human consciousness (HOPE) or, empower the human soul (if I can manifest in such an amazing way,
then in whatever way you are blessed YOU CAN TOO!) and that is FACT. It is time to awaken...just who else is doing as I myself
have discovered I am? For there are those that are. And what are YOUR gifts that you have been given as a God-given birthright?
For surely, they are every bit as special and every bit as spectacular in their own collective aspect of
fact, it is almost incomprehensible! And this is just the beginning..
So I invite you to peruse the pages, the documentations, the comments I have made regarding
signatures. Some of the aspects that have signatured in some of the crop circles are just well, mind boggling!! Some are quite
'heightened' in spirituality, and some will just blow you away by signaturing some aspect that one wouldnt necessarily even
believe would be contained in a crop circle. I have done my best to insure that we are keeping solely to the ones that will
allow you to understand, and I have done my best to stay away from any that were questionable as we fight alot to even empower
the human soul here in the first place and we dont need some lack of integrity trying to dissolve via cat fighting. That is
NOT empowering.
But, I think once you go through these pages, you will finally see, and you will finally
understand, and you will be, absolutely amazed.
Much Love, and Great Journey to All!!
Vanessa Kay Kipp (Fry)
Musician, Creationary Forces
Physical Phenomenist
November, 2005